English and Media Studies Essay Writing Service

We have many well-qualified essay writers on our books who can write excellent essays in English language, English literature of any period, American literature, TESOL, TEFL, Film and TV Studies, and Media subjects of all kinds.

We can also write essays and dissertations about art and culture generally.

This company is actually owned by English literature graduates, and we have written hundreds of excellent English and Media Studies over the years.

How to write an English essay

As always, there are THREE main parts to writing an essay.
These are:

1) To read and understand the QUESTION in full and exactly. The golden rule is always READ THE QUESTION (then reread it, again and again, so you know what it is asking for so can ANSWER THE QUESTION in full).

2) To prepare, search for material, understand and evaluate it, select the material and resources you will use.

3) To make a PLAN. This involves constructing an effective argument, developing and exploring it, and arriving at a well-supported conclusion. When this is done, you are ready to write your essay, using correct and complete referencing (usually Harvard).

The structure
This is the same as for almost all essays, namely:

Introduce your main point and explain your topic and argument.

Main part
This is where your plan comes to life. If you have planned properly, writing the main part is essentially writing up your plan.

State what you have done in your essay, your main point or argument, ending the essay with appropriate comments and often personal opinion, especially regarding likely future research.

How to write an English Literature Essay

If your essay is about set texts and reading around them, then of course this with add another dimension to a standard essay (in English language, for example).

The example for planning and structure stated above can be followed, of course. In addition, though, you will also need to read the set texts, reread them, make notes on them and, basically, really get to know them. If you actually like the set texts, then you are most of the way there already; if not, (and this does happen), then just see reading texts you hate which have been set by your tutor as one of life’s minor hardships that will be over soon! (As you may have realized, I have a degree in English literature and had to suffer many a tedious text to earn it!)

In addition to a standard essay, one on English literature should use set texts appropriately which means not merely describing what happens in a novel or play, for example, but really exploring the text and themes of the work. You should do this by:

Exploring theme, character, development of the plot, context of the novel, poem or play and background. You should explore all sides of the discussion, usually referring to literary criticism and what various critics have said.

Literary techniques. Ultimately, English is about language, so your essay should always focus on this aspect in a novel, poem or play. Use literary jargon (e.g. assonance, alliteration, onomatopoeia) appropriately but do not misuse or overuse it in an attempt to sound clever (tutors can spot this a mile off!)

Quotations. Used appropriately, quotations are wonderful; used inappropriately, they will get you a low mark. When you use a quotation (or an indirect quotation, as in paraphrasing which has to be used with care due to plagiarism issues) you should, either before or after the quotation, state why you are using it and then comment on it. Do not simply chuck it in and hope for the best. The presence of each and every quotation should be justified. Really explore the quotation you have given examine every angle from every side. Ideally, well-chosen quotations should be woven into the essay as if they were always meant to be there. For referencing, you must use double quotation marks and give the page number for every direct quotation. If you do not do this, you are guilty of plagiarism and will lose marks!

With large quotations of over two lines, your quotation should be set into the centre of the page. But do not overdo the use of large quotations to pad an essay out again, tutors will spot this and dock marks. As always, fully explore your carefully-chosen quotation, no matter what its size.

How to write a Media Essay

Essentially, follow the guide to essay planning and essay writing above. Instead of set texts, and possibly in addition to them, you will also have set films, TV shows, websites etc. Treat these as you would a work of literature. The method for exploring their themes is no different. Media essays can be about very recent developments such as celebrity or developments in TV news. Therefore, more perhaps than an English literature essay, you will need to use very up-to-date references, such as journals, magazines, websites.

With all essays mentioned above, remember to reread and revise what you have written until you are happy with it and then, last but not least, check your referencing. Making careless errors in referencing (usually Harvard for English essays) is a careless way to lose marks.

Good luck with your English and Media Essays!