
Custom-written, Non-Plagiarised Essays

iconWrite My Essay guarantee original custom written essays on time and to the specified standard of your choice.

our-guarantUnlike some agencies, we don’t use gimmicks or make spurious cash-back offers (which the writers, not the essay company, are liable for anyway!)

Neither do we believe in offering the cheapest price in the market place – as this would compromise our quality and we would not be able to find the best and most-qualified writers. We charge a fair price for our high-quality services – and we’re prepared to guarantee it.

1) No Plagiarism Guaranteed – or a full refund and also a free rewrite. All essays are scanned using the latest and most powerful anti-plagiarism software. We NEVER use AI – ever!

2) On Time – or a full refund and also a free rewrite.

3) Specified Standard – completed to your exact instructions.

4) Complete Satisfaction – or free unlimited revisions with NO time limit.

5) Never Resold – or stored on any database. We have no connection with any essay bank anywhere or any foreign site. We never resell essays – ever!

6) Full Privacy. No information you give will be disclosed to anyone in any way.

7) Qualified Writers. All our writers have university degrees and often Master’s degrees, and from UK universities. Many are academics and have written essays for years.

8) UK Limited Company. We have no connection at all with any foreign essay-writing sites and only deal with the UK market.

9) Fully Personalised Essays – to your exact specifications – any level or standard – and any title or question – in any format requested.

10) Customer Service – we are proud of the efficient, high-quality service we offer. We always strive to serve the needs of our customers to ensure their academic success.