Management of Innovation – question example

Management of Innovation



Prepare a 1,000-word report as follows.


Using the innovation process model in Figure 1.2 (page 20) from Bessant and Tidd (2007)Innovation and Entrepreneurship, for each of the core four stages identify and discuss:


  1. A method or tool to support that stage of the process;
  2. A reference to a relevant journal article;
  3. A single example from the case studies examined in the seminars.


Journal articles and case studies to be used:


However for a 2.1 using other journals and case studies for a few of the stages need to be used.


New product and service development.


  • Reading: Cooper, R.G. (2000) ‘Doing it right: winning with new products’, Ivey Business Journal, Vol. 64, No. 6, pp. 54-60 [Available from ABI/Inform]
  • Case Study: Bank of America, in: Thomke, S. (2003) ‘R&D Comes to Services’, Harvard Business Review, Vol. 81 Issue 4, pp. 70-79 [Available from Business Source Premier]


Organization of innovation.


  • Reading: Amabile, T. (1998) ‘How to kill creativity’, Harvard Business Review, Vol. 76 Issue 5 (Sep/Oct), pp. 76-87 [Available from Business Source Premier]


  • Case Study: Google, in Iyer, B. & Davenport, T.H. (2008) “Reverse Engineering Google’s Innovation Machine”, Harvard Business Review, April, pp. 59-68 [Available from Business Source Premier]


Managing knowledge and intellectual property.


  • Reading: Tranfield, D. et al (2003) Knowledge Management Routines for Innovation projects: Developing an Hierarchical Model, International Journal of Innovation Management, Vol. 7 No. 1, pp. 27-50 [Available from Business Source Premier]


  • Case Study: IBM, in Bjelland. O.M. & Wood (2008) ‘IBMs innovation Jam’, MIT Sloan Management Review, 50(1). [Available from Business Source Premier].


Exploiting external innovation.


  • Reading: Chesbrough, H. & Teece, D. (2002) ‘Organizing for Innovation: When is Virtual Virtuous?’, Harvard Business Review, Vol. 80 Issue 8 (August), pp. 127-135 [Available from Business Source Premier]



  • Case Study: Procter and Gamble, in: Huston, L. and N. Sakkab (2006) ‘Connect and Develop’, Harvard Business Review; Vol. 84 Issue 3 (March), pp. 58-66 [Available from Business Source Premier]




Figure 1.2