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English Literature 6000 words, Holocaust Fiction of Art Spiegelman.
A close reading and compare & contrast of Art Spiegelman’s The Complete Maus and In the Shadow of No Towers looking at the second generation Holocaust survivor text in comparison to a first hand account of the attack on the twin towers. The Complete Maus tells the story of Artie, a figure representing Spiegelman, … Continue reading English Literature 6000 words, Holocaust Fiction of Art Spiegelman.
Lecture outline: Charles de Gaulle 1500 words
Lecture outline: Charles de Gaulle Reputation Biographical notes Politics and policies Leadership What is Gaullism Legacy Why do we study de Gaulle today? The man – his ideas, his leadership, and his influence: impact on France and Europe after the Second World War What he did, how he thought, what he stood … Continue reading Lecture outline: Charles de Gaulle 1500 words
Europeans did not discover but rather invented the lands they colonized. Discuss. 250 words
Europeans did not discover but rather invented the lands they colonized. Discuss. The terms ‘discovery’ and ‘invention’ gain proximity when they are set in relation to ‘history’ and ‘myth.’ From classical texts such as Thucydides’ Histories, where a fusion of fiction and fact constitutes the historical genre, to the works of medieval pseudo-historian Geoffrey … Continue reading Europeans did not discover but rather invented the lands they colonized. Discuss. 250 words
To What Extent was Charles De Gaulle both a French Nationalist and a European Visionary? 1500 word essay
To What Extent was Charles de Gaulle both a French Nationalist and a European Visionary? The lasting effects that Charles de Gaulle had on France and on the European Community at large are demonstrated by his indefatigable personal character, brought to light under extreme circumstances and implemented during an era of intensive European reconstruction. Prior … Continue reading To What Extent was Charles De Gaulle both a French Nationalist and a European Visionary? 1500 word essay
3500 words SLAVERY IN US STATES IN 1850s. High 2.1/1st degree level essay
What do you understand by the term ‘the slave power conspiracy’ why was it so effective a slogan in the northern states in the 1850’s? The internal political, social and economic processes which led to the American Civil War have invariably been subject to concerted and determined historical assessment. The process which ultimately led to … Continue reading 3500 words SLAVERY IN US STATES IN 1850s. High 2.1/1st degree level essay
Armenian Genocide – 3500 word History essay, 1st class degree level
To what extent was the Armenian Genocide a result of Turkey’s entry into the First World War? Between 1915 and 1923 over 1 million Armenians were systematically murdered by the ailing state mechanism of the Ottoman Empire.[1] Although the majority of these deaths occurred between 1915 and 1917, protracted efforts on the part of Turkish … Continue reading Armenian Genocide – 3500 word History essay, 1st class degree level
Great Fire of London 1500 words History Essay
The Effects of the 1666 London Fire Background: In 1660, Charles Stuart, protestant son of the executed King Charles I, was crowned King Charles II in the Restoration of the monarchy after the Commonwealth of Oliver Cromwell, The Lord Protector. This led to widespread suspicion, as well as a tense environment for Catholics and … Continue reading Great Fire of London 1500 words History Essay