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What does Durkheim’s study suicide tell us about the role of social theory in his work more generally? 2000 words
What does Durkheim’s study suicide tell us about the role of social theory in his work more generally? The French sociologist Emile Durkheim is often regarded as the founder of modern sociological thought. Although the actual discipline sociology was in fact established before Durkheim’s birth, in the words of one commentator he, “gave it academic … Continue reading What does Durkheim’s study suicide tell us about the role of social theory in his work more generally? 2000 words
DISSERTATION PROPOSAL TITLE: THE EFFECTS OF CHILDREN WITNESSING DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Abstract McAllister groves (1999) feels domestic violence has negative repercussions for children’s social, emotional, and academic functioning. Professionals have attempted to support children in reducing the impacts of domestic violence. But there have been difficulties gaining access to the target population as this remains a … Continue reading DISSERTATION PROPOSAL: “THE EFFECTS OF CHILDREN WITNESSING DOMESTIC VIOLENCE” 3500 words
Dissertation Mini Proposal (500 words): Identification, Performativity and Representations of the Gendered Celebrity Body in Contemporary Gossip Magazines
Dissertation Mini Proposal Proposed Title: Identification, Performativity and Representations of the Gendered Celebrity Body in Contemporary Gossip Magazines Outline of Research: The areas of my research are gender, the body, celebrity, identification and performance. Magazine images of the celebrity body, and the female body in particular, are a vital part … Continue reading Dissertation Mini Proposal (500 words): Identification, Performativity and Representations of the Gendered Celebrity Body in Contemporary Gossip Magazines
Language and Society – Basque and Spanish – 1500 words
Language and Society Data Analysis 8 The use of different languages in the Basque Country is an example of diglossia. In Spain for example, Spanish is used as an official government language, while Basque is spoken as a vernacular with different histories, traditions and political significance. The table shows interesting variations in … Continue reading Language and Society – Basque and Spanish – 1500 words
London-based black men’s perception of black women’s sexuality, 5000 word dissertation
Essay Title: London based black men perception of black women sexuality Introduction: Black women are generally perceived differently from white women by black men in the London metropolitan area. A number of factors, including colonialism and cultural background, may well have influenced the way these men perceive black women sexuality (Bell-Scott, 1994). This study … Continue reading London-based black men’s perception of black women’s sexuality, 5000 word dissertation
Sociol Policy Essay: 6 questions on Poor Law, National Insurance, Beveridge Report – 3000 words
Assessment All students must answer each of the following 6 questions. In question 1 and 2, write 400 words explaining the significance of the following pieces of legislation and the context within which they developed. (Each question carries 15 marks.) The New Poor Law (1834) The National Insurance Act (1911) Write … Continue reading Sociol Policy Essay: 6 questions on Poor Law, National Insurance, Beveridge Report – 3000 words
How do sociologists account for human nature? 2000 word degree essay
How do sociologists account for human nature? Describe and assess the argument that language determines thought. What is it that makes who we are? Moreover, how can we account for the varied and differing actions of human beings and the general development of the human race as a whole? These are questions that have plagued … Continue reading How do sociologists account for human nature? 2000 word degree essay
Social Identity 3000 words
TO WHAT EXTENT IS AN INDIVIDUAL’S SOCIAL IDENTITY SHAPED BY FACTORS OUTSIDE THEIR CONTROL? HOW MIGHT YOUR ANSWER INFLUENCE THE WAY YOU WORK WITH INDIVIDUALS, FAMILIES AND COMMUNITIES IN THE FUTURE. This assignment will critically discuss and analyse the extent to which social identity is shaped by factors outside the control of the individual and … Continue reading Social Identity 3000 words
Research Proposal: The effect of Advertising on children in West Midlands, UK. 2000 words degree level
RESEARCH PROPOSAL TITLE The effect of Advertising on children in West Midlands, UK. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGES 1.0 BACKGROUND.. 3 2.0 STATEMENT OF THE OBJECTIVES.. 4 2.1 The Nature of the Problem… 4 2.2 The Research Questions. 5 2.3 The Research Objectives. 5 2..4 Sub-objectives. 5 2.5 information needs. 6 3.0 … Continue reading Research Proposal: The effect of Advertising on children in West Midlands, UK. 2000 words degree level
Sport and Youth – 3000 word dissertation proposal
Research Proposal Background Sport has a relevance and importance that moves beyond the obvious features of sporting activity. Naturally, a whole host of possible benefits can be derived from undertaking sporting activity. Indeed, health and physical well being rank highly in the positive outcomes that sport can deliver. However, sport has an important … Continue reading Sport and Youth – 3000 word dissertation proposal
Research Methods Essay, 3000 words
Inductive and Deductive Approaches to Research: Article Review The objective of this paper is to discuss the inductive and deductive approaches to research. The paper will later narrow its focus to an article that has done a research on current affairs. In this article, the research method will be identified and described. Specifically the paper … Continue reading Research Methods Essay, 3000 words
Ageing in Australia 4000 words
The Key Contributory Factors to Population Ageing and the Major Consequences of Population Ageing in Australia. Introduction There has been a lot of publicity in recent years for those who fear the ‘greying’ of society i.e. the change in demographics that means that the population is on average older than it once was. This has … Continue reading Ageing in Australia 4000 words
Literature Review ‘Stephen Lawrence MacPherson Report’
In 1993, Stephen Lawrence, a young black A-Level student was beaten to death by a gang of white youths in London. The subsequent police investigation into Lawrence’s death was criticised to the extent that it launched an influential enquiry into police procedure. In this essay, I will present a review of three articles examining the … Continue reading Literature Review ‘Stephen Lawrence MacPherson Report’
Social Work Method 2500 words degree level
QUESTION: Discuss in detail the strengths and limitations of ONE social work method in relation to a specific service user group. In discussing the strengths and limitations of one method you should draw upon relevant theory, identify the main features, utilise research evidence and make reference to anti racist and anti oppressive practice. You should … Continue reading Social Work Method 2500 words degree level
Nature v Nurture + Ethnocentrism 1000 words
Write a 2 page essay that discusses both sides of the nature-nuture argument. That is write one essay that reasonably supports the nature side and then write a second essay that supports the nurture side. Refer to the assigned readings when necessary.2. Write a 2 page essay that discusses when ethnocentrism is good (as … Continue reading Nature v Nurture + Ethnocentrism 1000 words
British Identity in a Multicultural Society – 1000 words
With an increasingly diverse multi-cultural presence in Britain, the idea of an all-encompassing ‘British identity’ in no longer relevant. Discuss. The idea of ‘British identity’ has received much media attention lately. The Government’s ‘Life in the UK Test’ for example provides a series of questions that decide whether or not someone will be granted … Continue reading British Identity in a Multicultural Society – 1000 words
CONTENTS: INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND METHOD RESULTS DISCUSSION CONCLUSION BIBLIOGRAPHY CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION According to Tversky and Kahneman (1983), ‘A conjunction can be more representative than one of its constituents, and instances of a specific category can be easier to imagine or to retrieve than instances of a more inclusive category’. This has been … Continue reading EXPLORING THE INVERSE CONJUNCTION FALLACY 5000 words
3000 words – German Disability Policies
An Analysis of the German Disability Policy Introduction: The word disability can be used to describe a number of conditions which differ from one country to another in terms of their subjective definition. However, disability generally has similar characteristics from one country to the other in objective terms. When the bread winner of the family … Continue reading 3000 words – German Disability Policies
DISSERTATION: What are the barriers facing children from ethnic minorities with disabilities in accessing services aged between 1-18 around Birmingham? – 10,000 words
What are the barriers facing children from ethnic minorities with disabilities in accessing services aged between 1-18 around Birmingham? Contents: Introduction p.1 Background p.5 Aims and Objectives p.6 Literature Review p.7 Methodology p.12 Design of the Instrument p.14 Sample p.20 Reliability and Validity p.21 Pilot Study p.22 Data Analysis p.23 Ethical … Continue reading DISSERTATION: What are the barriers facing children from ethnic minorities with disabilities in accessing services aged between 1-18 around Birmingham? – 10,000 words
Feminism Essay: Female Success in Education and Employment. 2000 words
Introduction Over the last two decades, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has grown tremendously even above trade flows. A number of organisations, particularly multinational companies, have embarked on FDI as a means of extending the manufacture of their products in countries abroad. (Markusen and Venables, 1999; Graham et al, 2004). For instance, according to statistics, between … Continue reading Feminism Essay: Female Success in Education and Employment. 2000 words
Europeans did not discover but rather invented the lands they colonized. Discuss. 250 words
Europeans did not discover but rather invented the lands they colonized. Discuss. The terms ‘discovery’ and ‘invention’ gain proximity when they are set in relation to ‘history’ and ‘myth.’ From classical texts such as Thucydides’ Histories, where a fusion of fiction and fact constitutes the historical genre, to the works of medieval pseudo-historian Geoffrey … Continue reading Europeans did not discover but rather invented the lands they colonized. Discuss. 250 words
Durkheim and Suicide – 1000 word essay
THE SOCIAL DIMENSIONS OF SUICIDE AS APPLIED TO A SUICIDE CASE This paper aims to apply Durkheim’s account of the social dimensions of suicide to the media coverage of a specific suicide case. For this purpose, the suicide case used in this paper is that of an aspiring male model named Paul Zolezzi, who … Continue reading Durkheim and Suicide – 1000 word essay
Drug-taking and Behaviour of Young Teenagers – 6000 word essay
Introduction: When looking into how the use of methamphetamine affects the learning behaviour of young teenagers, many researchers would argue that quantitative methods are the best way of gaining an understanding of the issue. Through analysing data such as school test results, we can provide a comparison between pupils who use methamphetamine, and … Continue reading Drug-taking and Behaviour of Young Teenagers – 6000 word essay
5000 words 2.1 London-based black men’s perception of black women sexuality
Essay Title: London based black men perception of black women sexuality Introduction: Black women are generally perceived differently from white women by black men in the London metropolitan area. A number of factors, including colonialism and cultural background, may well have influenced the way these men perceive black women sexuality (Bell-Scott, 1994). This study seeks … Continue reading 5000 words 2.1 London-based black men’s perception of black women sexuality
Are Males who Manipulate More Attractive to Females 2700 words Essay
Are males who are manipulative more attractive to females? Manipulation can be in the form of deception, coercion, distractions and other methods to influence the knowledge or actions of others to fulfil one’s own purpose (Whiten & Byrne, 1988a, 1988b, as cited by Sterelny, K & Fitness, 2003) and has been related to the Machiavellian … Continue reading Are Males who Manipulate More Attractive to Females 2700 words Essay
Essay on Celebrity – 2000 words MEDIA STUDIES
Critically evaluate the proposition that ascribed celebrity has been replaced by achieved celebrity in the west Chris Rojek introduces the distinction between ascribed and achieved celebrity, (Rojek, 2001). I will first outline his distinction in relation to contemporary examples, considering how it is complicated by further sub-divisions such as attributed celebrity and the rise … Continue reading Essay on Celebrity – 2000 words MEDIA STUDIES
Youth Subculture Essay – Sociology and Art – 3000 words, 1st class standard, degree level
Sociology of Culture and Subculture Youth Subcultures Critically discuss Hebdige’s definition of Subculture in relation to a youth culture of your choice. In order to explore the topic of youth subcultures, this essay will first of all outline Dick Hebdige’s classic definition of subculture as that resistant to and subversive of the … Continue reading Youth Subculture Essay – Sociology and Art – 3000 words, 1st class standard, degree level
Football and Gender exclusion Dissertation, 10,000 words
1.1 Introduction Football as a sport has long played an integral role in the European, especially British society, which was where its organised league form began in the Victorian age, and it forms an important, exciting and challenging part of the British culture. This dissertation will look at the potential of … Continue reading Football and Gender exclusion Dissertation, 10,000 words
Essay – The Impact of Migrant Labour on the UK Economy – 1000 words
The impact of Migrant labour in the UK economy Introduction: Britain has witnessed an unprecedented surge in the influx of migrant workers of the last six years (Woodgate, 2010). Since 2005, when a new wave of countries like Poland, Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia joined the European Union, there is hardly a day when the media … Continue reading Essay – The Impact of Migrant Labour on the UK Economy – 1000 words
Liberal Education over last 200 years – 2500 words 2.1 degree level
What have been the greatest achievements of a liberal education in the last two centuries? Introduction The term liberal education refers to an educational approach to learning which helps to prepare individuals tackled diversity, complex situations and change (Barker, 1978). This approach to learning has been touted for its ability to give students a … Continue reading Liberal Education over last 200 years – 2500 words 2.1 degree level
Observing a Family 4000 words MASTER’S LEVEL ESSAY
INTRODUCTION This assignment is about my experience of observing a family, critically drawing on lifespan development and application of social policy and sociology to improve my knowledge and skills in supporting families as a social work practitioner. This will be achieved through a structured reflection of the family observation using Schon’s (1983) reflective cycle. In … Continue reading Observing a Family 4000 words MASTER’S LEVEL ESSAY
Should Prostitution be Legalised in the UK – 2500 words essay
SHOULD PROSTITUTION BE LEGALISED IN THE UK? 1.0. INTRODUCTION Whether or not the practice of prostitution should be legalised in the United Kingdom is dependent entirely on what specific practices should or should not be legalised in the UK. To legalise a practice is to make it permissible by law and constitution (Definition of Legal … Continue reading Should Prostitution be Legalised in the UK – 2500 words essay
Glass Ceiling for Black/Gay people 1000 words
Critically analyze the literature pertaining to the existence of glass ceiling for the afro-Caribbean and homosexual minorities in the UK in certain organizations. Introduction The idea of the ‘glass ceiling’ blocking progress for Afro-Caribbean and homosexual minorities at the work place is part of the ways in which discrimination operates in the modern work place environment. Discrimination … Continue reading Glass Ceiling for Black/Gay people 1000 words
Crime and Power 3000 words
The Analysis of the Poor and Less Privileged as the Victims of the Criminal Justice System while the Rich and Powerful evade Justice Part of the ‘dark figure of crime’ which goes unreported in criminal statistics is the corporate or white-collar criminal (Slapper and Tomb, 2002). The crimes committed by the corporate offender, according to … Continue reading Crime and Power 3000 words
Ethnography 2500 words
The Differences and Similarities between Chicago School Ethnography and Symbolic Interactionist Ethnography The University of Chicago pioneered in the field of sociology between 1892 and 1942 and was able to produce virtually half of the entire world’s reputable sociologists by 1930 (Deegan, 2001). These reputable scholars promoted the field of sociology through their publications … Continue reading Ethnography 2500 words
Diaspora essay 1400 words
A Theoretical Analysis of the Narrative of Migration This essay will put the narrative of migration outlined in Assignment One into a theoretical context. It will do this, first of all, by considering definitions of diaspora from writers such as Cohen (1997) and Braziel and Mannur (2003). Proposing that James’ migration can be best … Continue reading Diaspora essay 1400 words
Social Research Paradigms MASTER’S level 3000 words
Critical appraisal of the main research paradigms, quantitative and qualitative methodologies, that clearly demonstrates an understanding and evaluation of their appropriate use and limitations Effective social research is ultimately founded on comprehensive and accountable research practices. Therefore, the research process itself is reliant on the provision of a clearly delineated set of practices which … Continue reading Social Research Paradigms MASTER’S level 3000 words
Race, Class, Gender and Equal Opportunities Essay 1000 words
Discuss the interrelationship between race, class and gender. How might this affect equality of opportunity? The structural foundations of social functioning have long been the preoccupation of sociologists. Above all, the focus of such preoccupation has rested on the degree to which structural limitations impact upon the individual and collective agency of human beings. … Continue reading Race, Class, Gender and Equal Opportunities Essay 1000 words
Ethnography and Mentalities 2500 words
The Differences and Similarities between Chicago School Ethnography and Symbolic Interactionist Ethnography The University of Chicago pioneered in the field of sociology between 1892 and 1942 and was able to produce virtually half of the entire world’s reputable sociologists by 1930 (Deegan, 2001). These reputable scholars promoted the field of sociology through their publications … Continue reading Ethnography and Mentalities 2500 words