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Empathy Seminar review, 350 words

Empathy: The Heart of the Consultation ‘Empathy is at the heart of the consultation’ – this was the theme of the seminar (I attended) at **** (place)  on **** (date). Empathy is, essentially, an innate attribute – some may say intelligence – that we all share, but which, through both effort and a willingness to … Continue reading Empathy Seminar review, 350 words


THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF A COUNSELLING SUPERVISOR AND WAYS IN WHICH SUPERVISORS CAN SUPPORT THE COUNSELLORS THEY SUPERVISE     In the guidelines of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy there is an essential requirement that all full training courses should include ‘a substantial amount of supervised counselling practice with real clients’ (BACP, 2005). I … Continue reading THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF A COUNSELLING SUPERVISOR AND WAYS IN WHICH SUPERVISORS CAN SUPPORT THE COUNSELLORS THEY SUPERVISE, 1000 words

Melanie Klein: an Overview, 2000 words

Melanie Klein has made a significant contribution to the advancement of psycho-analytic theory and practice during the 20th century, following in the wake of Sigmund Freud. As such, her work addresses the absorbing question of how best to represent human nature. The major tenets of her theoretical framework of psycho-analysis can be identified and evaluated, … Continue reading Melanie Klein: an Overview, 2000 words


UNDERSTANDING OF COUNSELLING AS A PROCESS       Counselling is a process which needs a coherent framework or structure. This is necessary for both the counsellor and the client. It may not always be strictly adhered to as there needs to be a degree of flexibility in sessions but the framework is there to … Continue reading UNDERSTANDING OF COUNSELLING AS A PROCESS, 1000 words


THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF A COUNSELLING SUPERVISOR AND WAYS IN WHICH SUPERVISORS CAN SUPPORT THE COUNSELLORS THEY SUPERVISE         In the guidelines of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy there is an essential requirement that all full training courses should include ‘a substantial amount of supervised counselling practice with real clients’ (BACP, … Continue reading THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF A COUNSELLING SUPERVISOR AND WAYS IN WHICH SUPERVISORS CAN SUPPORT THE COUNSELLORS THEY SUPERVISE, 1000 words


CRITICALLY CONSIDER ONE OTHER HUMANISTIC COUNSELLING TECHNIQUE     There is a popular phrase nowadays – holistic health. This covers an individual’s general well being in terms of physical, mental, spiritual (moral/ethical) health and it is considered to be an individual’s responsibility to maintain and improve it. The initial goal in Gestalt counselling is to … Continue reading CRITICALLY CONSIDER ONE OTHER HUMANISTIC COUNSELLING TECHNIQUE, 1000 words


CRITICALLY DISCUSS THE BASIC THEORIES OF CARL ROGERS AND THEIR IMPLEMENTATION         Carl Rogers (1902 – 1987) was born in Illinois, Chicago and studied at the University of Wisconsin as an agricultural major. After moving on to study theology, he then took a full professorship at Ohio State University in 1940. It … Continue reading CRITICALLY DISCUSS THE BASIC THEORIES OF CARL ROGERS AND THEIR IMPLEMENTATION, 1000 words

Overview of three approaches to counselling, 1000 words

THAT THEY CAN IDENTIFY A RANGE OF APPROACHES TO COUNSELLING         There are a variety of different psychological approaches which form the basis of counselling methods and skills. The major three approaches are the psychoanalytical, the humanistic and the behavioural. Each approach is based on the work of prominent psychologists and subsequently … Continue reading Overview of three approaches to counselling, 1000 words

Anger and Depression, 4500 words, Counselling Analysis

PROBLEMS WITH NATURAL ANGER If we work and live around other people, we get angry about twenty times every day. And yet many people would swear they seldom get angry at all. We tend to be so afraid of our anger that, as a culture, we pretend it isn’t there. OBSTACLES Our anger is there … Continue reading Anger and Depression, 4500 words, Counselling Analysis

Empathy – 300 words

Empathy: The Heart of the Consultation ‘Empathy is at the heart of the consultation’ – this was the theme of the seminar (I attended) at **** (place)  on **** (date). Empathy is, essentially, an innate attribute – some may say intelligence – that we all share, but which, through both effort and a willingness to … Continue reading Empathy – 300 words

PRESENTATION: Bereavement and Grief Counselling 1000 words

PRESENTATION         BEREAVEMENT   BEREAVEMENT AND GRIEF COUNSELLING       Slide 1 : Title   Slide 2: Personal Bereavements   It can be seen from this list of events that my life has been touched on many occasions by bereavement. Some of these times the bereavement has been on a very … Continue reading PRESENTATION: Bereavement and Grief Counselling 1000 words

Actualisation Theories of Klein in Counselling – 2000 word essay

Melanie Klein has made a significant contribution to the advancement of psycho-analytic theory and practice during the 20th century, following in the wake of Sigmund Freud. As such, her work addresses the absorbing question of how best to represent human nature. The major tenets of her theoretical framework of psycho-analysis can be identified and evaluated, … Continue reading Actualisation Theories of Klein in Counselling – 2000 word essay

Understanding of Counselling as a Process – 1000 word essay

UNDERSTANDING OF COUNSELLING AS A PROCESS Counselling is a process which needs a coherent framework or structure. This is necessary for both the counsellor and the client. It may not always be strictly adhered to as there needs to be a degree of flexibility in sessions but the framework is there to act as a … Continue reading Understanding of Counselling as a Process – 1000 word essay

Responsibilities of a Counselling Supervisor 1000 words

THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF A COUNSELLING SUPERVISOR AND WAYS IN WHICH SUPERVISORS CAN SUPPORT THE COUNSELLORS THEY SUPERVISE  In the guidelines of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy there is an essential requirement that all full training courses should include ‘a substantial amount of supervised counselling practice with real clients’ (BACP, 2005). I am going … Continue reading Responsibilities of a Counselling Supervisor 1000 words

Humantistic Counselling Techniques 1000 words

CRITICALLY CONSIDER ONE OTHER HUMANISTIC COUNSELLING TECHNIQUE There is a popular phrase nowadays – holistic health. This covers an individual’s general well being in terms of physical, mental, spiritual (moral/ethical) health and it is considered to be an individual’s responsibility to maintain and improve it. The initial goal in Gestalt counselling is to promote awareness … Continue reading Humantistic Counselling Techniques 1000 words

Carl Rogers Theories in Counselling – 1000 words

CRITICALLY DISCUSS THE BASIC THEORIES OF CARL ROGERS AND THEIR IMPLEMENTATION    Carl Rogers (1902 – 1987) was born in Illinois, Chicago and studied at the University of Wisconsin as an agricultural major. After moving on to study theology, he then took a full professorship at Ohio State University in 1940. It was after setting … Continue reading Carl Rogers Theories in Counselling – 1000 words

Counselling – a Range of Approached – 900 words

IDENTIFY A RANGE OF APPROACHES TO COUNSELLING There are a variety of different psychological approaches which form the basis of counselling methods and skills. The major three approaches are the psychoanalytical, the humanistic and the behavioural. Each approach is based on the work of prominent psychologists and subsequently developed to form the well respected and … Continue reading Counselling – a Range of Approached – 900 words

Large Mental Hospital Issue 2500 words

      WHY WERE LARGE MENTAL HOSPITALS CLOSED IN THE UK? DISCUSS THE REASONS FOR AND THE OUTCOMES OF SUCH POLICIES.     Historically the function of large mental hospitals was to provide shelter and asylum to a large group of people with a mental illness. More recently changes in care philosophy, care in … Continue reading Large Mental Hospital Issue 2500 words

Child and Adolescent Mental Health 3500 words

3,573 words   HOME TREATMENT FOR CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS SUFFERING FROM SEVERE MENTAL HEALTH   INTRODUCTION   This research will identify the need for evidence based practice regarding home treatment for children and adolescents with severe mental health problems scanning the general literature in the area that may make a case for this practice. The … Continue reading Child and Adolescent Mental Health 3500 words

Counselling 1000 words

  Counselling   This essay involves the discussion of a personal incident for the author, basically involving the practical analysis of a situation through the various theory based psychological interventions based on the person centred, cognitive behavioural or psychodynamic approaches. The personal incident under discussion here is based on the day I lost my job … Continue reading Counselling 1000 words

Irish Mental Health 2000 words

                      THE IRISH STATE OF MENTAL HEALTH- PRIVATE PSYCHOTHERAPY PRACTICE                   Name Course Number: Course Title Semester and Year Date of Submission THE IRISH STATE OF MENTAL HEALTH-PRIVATE PSYCHOTHERAPY PRACTICE The Irish health care sector is now … Continue reading Irish Mental Health 2000 words

Ethics/Law is Psychotherapy in Ireland 2000 words

        ETHICAL AND LEGAL ISSUES IN PSYCHOTHERAPY THE IRISH PERSPECTIVE   I pledge that I have complied with the [name of college]_________________in this work   ETHICAL AND LEGAL ISSUES IN PSYCHOTHERAPY THE IRISH PERSPECTIVE INTRODUCTION The line between ethical and unethical behaviour in psychology is so thin that it is often hard … Continue reading Ethics/Law is Psychotherapy in Ireland 2000 words

Counselling 1500 words

  Counselling   This essay involves the discussion of a personal incident for the author, basically involving the practical analysis of a situation through the various theory based psychological interventions based on the person centred, cognitive behavioural or psychodynamic approaches. The personal incident under discussion here is based on the day I lost my job … Continue reading Counselling 1500 words