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ESOL – the Communicate Approach 3000 words
PART TWO Communicative Approach Communicative methodologies have been popular in ESOL since the 1980s. Richards and Rodgers describe them as “a major paradigm shift…whose ramifications continue to be felt today” (Richards and Rodgers 2007: 151). The shift is from Situational Language Teaching, where “language was taught by practicing basic structures in meaningful situation-based … Continue reading ESOL – the Communicate Approach 3000 words
ESOL Dissertation 6000 words ‘A comparison of different ways of teaching ESOL to Polish migrant workers who are residing temporarily in London’
DISSERTATION Title: A comparison of different ways of teaching ESOL to Polish migrant workers who are residing temporarily in London Subject Area: Relevant methodological approaches to ESOL teaching; Specific techniques methods and approaches to language teaching; The sociolinguistic context of migrant labour, specifically focusing on Polish experiences, and living/working in London … Continue reading ESOL Dissertation 6000 words ‘A comparison of different ways of teaching ESOL to Polish migrant workers who are residing temporarily in London’
Education for the Young – 2000 words
Education for the Young Much has been said about the importance of education and how vital schools are to the modelling of young minds to become self-determined individuals. However, in the past years, the educational system has been under harsh criticism due mainly to the poor achievement of students. When we aim to make something … Continue reading Education for the Young – 2000 words
How the use of methamphetamine affects the learning behaviour of young teenagers, – 6000 words
Introduction: When looking into how the use of methamphetamine affects the learning behaviour of young teenagers, many researchers would argue that quantitative methods are the best way of gaining an understanding of the issue. Through analysing data such as school test results, we can provide a comparison between pupils who use methamphetamine, and those who … Continue reading How the use of methamphetamine affects the learning behaviour of young teenagers, – 6000 words
Discourse and Pragmatics in Language Teaching 3000 words
Discourse and Pragmatics in Language Teaching Introduction Breen describes discourse and pragmatics as a large field with “several overlapping and competing definitions deriving from a range of analytical and theoretical positions” (Breen 2004: 309). Primarily, however, definitions of discourse focus on analyzing text in context, rather than isolated grammatical analysis of sentences. Definitions … Continue reading Discourse and Pragmatics in Language Teaching 3000 words
How to Write a Critical Report GUIDE
The Critical Report Guidelines Writing the Critical Report Important: The report should be analytical and reflective rather than just descriptive. We can see what you’ve done & how it looks on the website – the whys (the rationale) are very important. Concentrate on ideas, design choices and their implementation. You should … Continue reading How to Write a Critical Report GUIDE
Developing Early Literacy: Role of Parental Involvement 2000 words
Developing Early Literacy: Role of Parental Involvement Introduction People all know that languages develop out of the user’s need to express themselves. From this fact, we can therefore say that all languages are equal. This equality means that all languages, regardless of their characteristics and linguistic qualities, all meet the social and psychological needs … Continue reading Developing Early Literacy: Role of Parental Involvement 2000 words
Play in Primary School, 2000 words
Article 31 of the UN – convention of the rights of the child, state that ‘every child has the right to rest and leisure’ to engage in play and recreational activities appropriate to the age of the child…’ discus with reference to your reading and teaching experience. This essay aims to address some problematic … Continue reading Play in Primary School, 2000 words
A critical review of a research article ‘The impact of breakfast clubs on pupil attendance and punctuality’. 3000 words
A critical review of a research article ‘The impact of breakfast clubs on pupil attendance and punctuality’. The article, ‘The impact of breakfast clubs on pupil attendance and punctuality’ was written by Donald Simpson in November 1991 for the School of Social Science at the University of Teesside. Whilst written well, on the whole, … Continue reading A critical review of a research article ‘The impact of breakfast clubs on pupil attendance and punctuality’. 3000 words
What Makes a Good Essay 100 word guide
WHAT MAKES A GOOD ESSAY? The critical ingredient of any essay is a strong thesis statement. This drives the argument, structure and conclusions reached. Preparatory work (research, filtering, organizing) is critical to the success of the thesis. An arresting opening is essential. Normally this culminates in the clear and concise thesis … Continue reading What Makes a Good Essay 100 word guide
HEALTH PROMOTION: SCHOOL AGED CHILDREN USING THE COMMON ASSESSMENT FRAMEWORK The family to be assessed are the Webster family. Concern was raised when it was discovered that daughter Fiona, aged 13 years, was six months pregnant. Fiona lives with her mother, Elizabeth aged 32 years, her father, Will aged 30 years and three siblings. … Continue reading HEALTH PROMOTION: SCHOOL AGED CHILDREN USING THE COMMON ASSESSMENT FRAMEWORK 2250 words
Translation Commentary – Pre-translation Analysis – 1500 word essay
Translation Commentary Pre-translation Analysis The text is written by more than one person as can be seen from the way they define themselves in the first person plurally, “what do we mean by social learning?”. It can be also be inferred that the writers are academics, specialists or experts in some sense. This … Continue reading Translation Commentary – Pre-translation Analysis – 1500 word essay
Translation as Reading and Writing, 2000 word essay
Translation as Reading and Writing Part A: Recasting Exercise I consider the intended audience of the original text to be children (pre-school age). It refers to a subject matter that reflects childhood experience, “he was sent to bed without eating anything”. It uses language, which would seem clichéd to more adult readers, “all … Continue reading Translation as Reading and Writing, 2000 word essay
Social Work Dissertation, 10,000 words What are the barriers facing children from ethnic minorities with disabilities in accessing social and educational services aged between 1-18?
What are the barriers facing children from ethnic minorities with disabilities in accessing social and educational services aged between 1-18? Contents: Introduction p.2 Background p.6 Aims and Objectives p.7 Literature Review p.8 Methodology p.13 Design of the Instrument p.15 Sample p.21 Reliability and Validity p.22 Pilot Study p.23 Data Analysis … Continue reading Social Work Dissertation, 10,000 words What are the barriers facing children from ethnic minorities with disabilities in accessing social and educational services aged between 1-18?
Lesson Plan ‘Some and Any’ EFL
Lesson Plan Language point: Using ‘some’ and ‘any’ for positive and negative statements, questions, and offers Level: Pre-intermediate Context: Mixed nationality class of no more than 15 teenagers at an EFL summer school Length of lesson: 55 minutes (approx) Aim of lesson: To enable students to differentiate between the usage of ‘some’ and … Continue reading Lesson Plan ‘Some and Any’ EFL
Social Work – Case Study Learning Disabilities 2500 words
Duties and powers of the local authority towards someone in Peter’ position, prior to Susan death The local authority has a number of powers and duties to fulfil for someone with learning disabilities as in Peter’ case. Peter will trigger the duty to carry out a community care assessment under the NHS and Community Care … Continue reading Social Work – Case Study Learning Disabilities 2500 words
Critically discuss the factors that encourage the development of language skills in children 2500 words
Critically discuss the factors that encourage the development of language skills in children There are many factors that encourage the development of language skills in children and these factors are a highly contested issue within developmental psychology. There is also great debate as to whether language development is caused by nature or nurture, whether children … Continue reading Critically discuss the factors that encourage the development of language skills in children 2500 words
IPLU Health and Social Care 2500 words
IPLU report Introduction The interprofessional topic drawn from the IPLU (Interprofessional Learning Unit) report is the impact of cultures, both professional and organisational, on inter-professional working within the IPLU programme in relation to confidentiality and better communication with the patients. The Group 35 IPLU report was an exercise in assessing whether we, as a … Continue reading IPLU Health and Social Care 2500 words
2000 word essay: Good Teaching Approaches
Introduction Moore (2004:51) identifies three dominant educational discourses which outline features of good teachers and good teaching. These positions are respectively the charismatic, competent and reflective teacher and each has an interesting historical framework. Since it is evidently important that good teachers recognise the impacts of their decisions, what makes a good teacher is mandatory … Continue reading 2000 word essay: Good Teaching Approaches
Geography Lessons in Education 3000 words
Report on Geography Classes This report provides a brief comparison between the John Cleveland College in Leicestershire and a typical school in a South East London Borough. It describes how lessons have been planned and delivered, and presents a proposed outline for a module to progress students to the next level of attainment. The report … Continue reading Geography Lessons in Education 3000 words
Techniques in EFL Lessons – 1500 words
Describe, give the purpose of and evaluate three of these teaching techniques: Elicitation. Concept questions. Drilling. Substitution tables. Information-gap communication tasks. Elicitation ‘Elicitation’ is a term used to refer to the extraction of information. It is defined both as, “to bring or draw out” and “to provoke (a reaction, for example)” (TFD 2008). … Continue reading Techniques in EFL Lessons – 1500 words
A Comparsion of different ways of teaching ESOL to Polish workers in London – FULL DISSERTATION 10,000 words
A Comparison of Different Ways of Teaching ESOL to Polish Migrant Workers who are Residing Temporarily in London CONTENTS PART 1: Introduction PART 2: Literature Review 2.1. Communicative … Continue reading A Comparsion of different ways of teaching ESOL to Polish workers in London – FULL DISSERTATION 10,000 words
Teaching ESOL to Polish workers PART 2 – 2800 words
PART TWO Communicative Approach Communicative methodologies have been popular in ESOL since the 1980s. Richards and Rodgers describe them as “a major paradigm shift…whose ramifications continue to be felt today” (Richards and Rodgers 2007: 151). The shift is from Situational Language Teaching, where “language was taught by practicing basic structures in meaningful situation-based … Continue reading Teaching ESOL to Polish workers PART 2 – 2800 words
Teaching ESOL to Polish Workers in London – 6000 words
DISSERTATION Title: A comparison of different ways of teaching ESOL to Polish migrant workers who are residing temporarily in London Subject Area: Relevant methodological approaches to ESOL teaching; Specific techniques methods and approaches to language teaching; The sociolinguistic context of migrant labour, specifically focusing on Polish experiences, and living/working … Continue reading Teaching ESOL to Polish Workers in London – 6000 words
Education for the Young – 2000 words
Education for the Young Much has been said about the importance of education and how vital schools are to the modelling of young minds to become self-determined individuals. However, in the past years, the educational system has been under harsh criticism due mainly to the poor achievement of students. When we aim to make … Continue reading Education for the Young – 2000 words
Discourse and Pragmatics in Language Teaching – 3000 word essay
Discourse and Pragmatics in Language Teaching Introduction Breen describes discourse and pragmatics as a large field with “several overlapping and competing definitions deriving from a range of analytical and theoretical positions” (Breen 2004: 309). Primarily, however, definitions of discourse focus on analyzing text in context, rather than isolated grammatical analysis of sentences. Definitions of pragmatics … Continue reading Discourse and Pragmatics in Language Teaching – 3000 word essay
Developing Early Literacy – Parents’ role. 2000 word essay
Developing Early Literacy: Role of Parental Involvement Introduction People all know that languages develop out of the user’s need to express themselves. From this fact, we can therefore say that all languages are equal. This equality means that all languages, regardless of their characteristics and linguistic qualities, all meet the social and psychological needs … Continue reading Developing Early Literacy – Parents’ role. 2000 word essay
The Impact of Breakfast Clubs on Pupil Attendance and Punctuality. 3000 words
A critical review of a research article ‘The impact of breakfast clubs on pupil attendance and punctuality’. The article, ‘The impact of breakfast clubs on pupil attendance and punctuality’ was written by Donald Simpson in November 1991 for the School of Social Science at the University of Teesside. Whilst written well, on the whole, … Continue reading The Impact of Breakfast Clubs on Pupil Attendance and Punctuality. 3000 words
The Natural Curriculum, esp Gender and Inclusion in PE – Education Dissertation, 7000 words
What Changes have taken place in the national curriculum governing secondary schools, specifically in relation to the issue of gender and inclusion in physical education? Abstract The paper proposes a framework for assessing the changes have taken place in the national curriculum governing secondary schools, specifically in relation to the issue of gender … Continue reading The Natural Curriculum, esp Gender and Inclusion in PE – Education Dissertation, 7000 words
Prison Education 4000 word dissertation
Research Project: Education and Training within a Prison 1. Research Topic The topic of this research is education and training within the context of a prison. As I am currently working within a prison, I have a personal interest in the subject and access to a rich source of primary data through interviews with and … Continue reading Prison Education 4000 word dissertation
PGCE 3500 words – MULTICULTURALISM Literature Review
Multiculturalism: Literature Review With reference to relevant literature on the subject, assess the positives and negatives of the British approach to multiculturalism. This work will provide a review of relevant literature within the field of multiculturalism in order to address the research question. It is organised thematically. Its thesis is that there have been many … Continue reading PGCE 3500 words – MULTICULTURALISM Literature Review
Reform of the Education system essay – 2500 words PGCE
If you were able to reform the education system in Britain, what form would it take? Use the ideas and theories of philosophers, sociologists and psychologists to support your answer. The question is more difficult and complex then it may at first seem. Reforming the education system relies on a multiple and varied context of … Continue reading Reform of the Education system essay – 2500 words PGCE
Rousseau and Education 3000 words
Discuss how one of the following has examined the purpose of education. You must direct your response to issues in Education Studies. You must select ONE from the list below: Ivan Illich (1926 – ) Howard Gardner (1943 – ) Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) It is somewhat surprising that the study of education as … Continue reading Rousseau and Education 3000 words
Education Studies 3500 word essay
Education studies is a relatively new discipline which concerns itself with the important question of how people develop and learn throughout their lives [Bartlett and Burton 2007:4]. In 2004, Davies and Hogarth [2004:425] observed that education studies was becoming an academic discipline in its own right. Its newness emanates from the generational shift in … Continue reading Education Studies 3500 word essay
Communities and Social Exclusion 3000 words
Communities To many observers the concept of community remains in the realm of ideology when confronted with societal upheavals and fractious divisions exposing youth violence, street gangs and turf rivalry amongst different sub-cultures and social exclusion, especially when listening to the punitive responses from politicians, the police and criminal justice system. Such is the external … Continue reading Communities and Social Exclusion 3000 words
Degrees and Employment 1000 words
Critical reading and writing Question Two When planning a career how important is getting a degree? Discuss The importance placed upon getting a degree for career aspirants draws mixed opinion from the academic community, the professional sector and post-graduate employees who are at the terminal point in the process. The “incentives to complete further … Continue reading Degrees and Employment 1000 words
Gender and Education 3500 words
How has achievement by gender changed since the end of World War 11? In order to discuss how gender achievement has changed since the end of World War 11, a brief account of the history of the development of British education should be considered. An analysis of these changes, using different theoretical perspectives along … Continue reading Gender and Education 3500 words
Special Educational Needs 3000 words
Special Education Assessed Assignment: Part Two Educational Provision and Attitudes Toward Children with Special Educational Needs has moved from Segregation to Inclusion Discuss the above statement This essay will largely agree with the above statement. It will argue that educational provision and attitudes toward children with Special Educational Needs has largely moved … Continue reading Special Educational Needs 3000 words
Diaspora essay 1400 words
A Theoretical Analysis of the Narrative of Migration This essay will put the narrative of migration outlined in Assignment One into a theoretical context. It will do this, first of all, by considering definitions of diaspora from writers such as Cohen (1997) and Braziel and Mannur (2003). Proposing that James’ migration can be best … Continue reading Diaspora essay 1400 words
Education for Sustainable Development 500 words
ESDGC: Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship The UK and EU response to Global Warming (500 words): It is a well-known fact, in the light of the recent climate change warnings and scientific research, that the adverse impact of global warming is not restricted to the horrific meltdown of the Arctic … Continue reading Education for Sustainable Development 500 words
Book review: ALCOHOL 500 words
Book Review Heath, D.B(ed) (1995) International Handbook on Alcohol and Culture. New York: Greenwood. This work reviews the book International Handbook on Alcohol and Culture edited by Dwight B. Heath. Assessment is provided to the overall work in conjunction with providing specific focus to Martin Plant’s chapter on the United Kingdom. In the … Continue reading Book review: ALCOHOL 500 words
Studying Psychology 2500 words
‘There is a lot to be gained by studying a topic in psychology from more than one perspective.’ Discuss this claim drawing on chapters 2 and 3 from book 2 to illustrate your points. There are many different perspectives in psychology that aim to study and understand a particular topic in relation to the … Continue reading Studying Psychology 2500 words
Curriculum Design for Kindergarten Teachers in Korea 3000 words
ELT Curriculum and Syllabus Design and Assessment Introduction This project presents and evaluates a course designed for use in teaching English to trainee Kindergarten teachers in Korea. Part One presents the research undertaken before implementing the course design. First of all, it defines the key terms in this project: ‘Curriculum’; ‘syllabus’; ‘aims’; … Continue reading Curriculum Design for Kindergarten Teachers in Korea 3000 words
Dissertation: VOCABULARY LEARNING ACROSS LEVELS – 12,0000 words
Comparison of Vocabulary Learning Strategies Across Levels CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Rationale and purpose of the study Human beings communicate with each other by means of … Continue reading Dissertation: VOCABULARY LEARNING ACROSS LEVELS – 12,0000 words
Differentiation and Literacy 2000 words EDUCATION essay
How can a realistic and manageable approach to differentiation be implemented in the classroom particularly when there are children with literacy difficulties. Tomlinson (2010) defines differentiation as “an approach to teaching that advocates active planning for student differences in classrooms”. This general definition is supported by others such as Petty (2010), who classifies it … Continue reading Differentiation and Literacy 2000 words EDUCATION essay
Inclusion and Integration of Special Needs in EDUCATION essay 1500 words
Assignment Title Discuss the differences between ‘integration’ and ‘inclusion’. What does the ‘Salamanca statement’ mean when it talks about a ‘welcoming school’ in context of inclusion? The educational setting for primary school years is a context in which contemporary debate over matters of inclusion and integration finds its focus. Such debate … Continue reading Inclusion and Integration of Special Needs in EDUCATION essay 1500 words
Teaching Philosophy in Schools 1700 words essay
Why should teachers of children between 3-12 years of age study philosophy, and in particular ethics? Refer to Aristotle’s Virtue ethics. It has been highlighted by a large amount of research that teachers of children between 3-12 years of age and the children themselves need to study philosophy, to a certain extent, whilst in … Continue reading Teaching Philosophy in Schools 1700 words essay
Reflections on University Life ESSAY
Assignment: Patchwork Text The purpose of this assignment is to provide a ‘patchwork’ text which exemplifies the professional and reflective practice which I have personally developed as a result of undertaking the course. The reflection will be based on a number of small texts and other patchworks narratives which will then be extended and … Continue reading Reflections on University Life ESSAY
Education – Governance essay plan 1000 words
Ball, S.J. (2008) ‘New Philanthropy, New Networks and New Governance in Education’, Political Studies 2008 Vol.56, 747-765 Text Summary Ball’s study is situated within the context of political science examining a shift from government to governance. By this, he means a shift from a centralised bureaucratic hierarchical model of power and control to a … Continue reading Education – Governance essay plan 1000 words
Education – essays plans x 2, Multiculturalism
Plans Multiculturalism literature review Question: With reference to relevant literature on the subject, assess the positives and negatives of the British approach to multiculturalism. Introduction: Definition of multiculturalism. Outline of the purpose of a literature review. Highlight the main sources of literature on the subject. Proposed research methodology and techniques of research … Continue reading Education – essays plans x 2, Multiculturalism
Education in a Prison 6000 words
Research Project: Education and Training within a Prison Preliminaries This project sets out to explore the ways in which education and training are delivered within a prison context, including issues of prisoner attitude and motivation, the types of training on offer and relevant contextual factors. Chapter One outlines the main research … Continue reading Education in a Prison 6000 words
Innovation and Change in Higher Education 5000 words Master.s 2.1/1 level
Innovation and Change in Higher and Professional Education What are the connections and tensions between policies regarding funding, access and quality in higher education? Introduction Research into education policy suggests that it cannot be understood simply as a statement, transparently communicated and put into place by Government. Rather, as Ball (2008, pp.6-7), … Continue reading Innovation and Change in Higher Education 5000 words Master.s 2.1/1 level
Education – 2000 word commentary on an article
Critical Commentary on: J.M. Bolivar and J.H. Chrispeels (2011), ‘Enhancing Parent Leadership Through Building Social and Intellectual Capital’, American Educational Research Journal, February 2011, Vol. 48, No.1, 4-38. The article under review discusses parental leadership programmes within an American setting, focusing on Hispanic parents in two schools in Los Angeles. It sets out to … Continue reading Education – 2000 word commentary on an article